Would you believe it, this is my 40th thing that happened. I'd give myself a pat on the shoulder if my arms weren't so goddamn weak from drawing.
I didn't think I would make this many when I started out! It was more of a hobby, something I'd scribble out between lodging job applications. Be thankful the graduate job market has crashed, my friends! Otherwise this comic/blog might not have been as bountiful. You know what, I'm sick of saying comic blog, I'm calling it a clog from now on. I do enjoy shoes and Dutch people.
If it isn't August already! That's more than halfway through the year! At the beginning of 2010 I was shit scared of having to start my teaching internship. I pretty much thought that venture in itself would consume most of my year. But it didn't, and now I find myself waking up at two in the afternoon and eating licorice for breakfast. It's a pretty sweet life, but it's also a very broke one. The school which I was doing relief for still hasn't paid me for my work and I have no idea when or even if that paycheck will arrive.
It helps that I don't need much at this point in time, but I will need to pay off my car registration sometime this month as well as renew my passport and save for a possible trip to Phuket in September. THAILAND, BITCHES! I'm pretty excited about that, but again, it's all an issue of funding. Not to mention that in order to have my passport renewed I need to find my birth certificate, which has conveniently gone missing. Conclusive proof I am adopted? Perhaps.
Also, I apologise for the scarcity of comics over the past two weeks. Believe it or not, sometimes there are days where things simply do not happen! And I would rather provide you with quality, authentic comic material than churn out three panels of me staring at a laptop screen.
Or would I?
Winners don't take drugs.